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Kazimir Gabriel Vitejko from Braszewicz, 1639.

1639, December 1. 9. Complaint by Karol Januszewicz and wife Katerina Nevelska to the Vilna chapter about a robbery attack by Kazimir Gabriel Viteik (Vileika?), administrator of the chapter estate of Braszewicz in Brest voivodeship, on the Valavka and Kartovinka (Karlovitska) forests belonging to them, the Januszewiczes. Valavka and the cutting of construction timber. In Polish. Pp. 3001 -3 Source: Inventory of documents of the Vilna Central Archive of Ancient Act Books.

Antopol, family Manor Brewern

In the past Antopol was part of a large land property. In the 18th and 19th centuries it belonged to the Bystrych family, then to the Giedrojci family. At the turn of the XVIII-XIX centuries, a classicist mansion was built here. It was one-storied, with a rectangular base, with a four-pitched roof with mansard windows. The portico was decorated with a triangular top. The mansion was surrounded by a landscaped park.

Sale of Braszewicze and Tolkowo manor in 1636.

Jonas Karol Naruszewicz and his wife Christina in 1636 sold the courtyard of Braszewicze and the Tolkowo estate for 25 thousand zlotys (gold?). To the Chancellor of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania Albrecht Stanislaw Radziwill. The act of sale was brought to the Pinsk Land Court, a contract was drawn up, the consent of his wife Krystyna Naruszewicz to the sale was obtained, and an inventory of the property was made.