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Belin was first mentioned as part of the estate of the Pinsk princess Maria Hasztold at the end of the 15th century. In 1522 there is a mention of Prince Fedor Ivanovich Yaroslavich of Pinsk to the Cathedral of St. Dmitry in Pinsk (tribute and payments to him from the “Bolince”). In 1555 it was mentioned in the letter of Queen Bona Sforza to Matej Vojtechovich, a village in the Pinsk starostvo. In 1565 in Pinsk district, Brest voivodeship.

The church in Belina was built in 1785 by the Orzeszko family. That is confirmed in the “Description of churches and parishes. Grodno Orthodox Church Calendar. Volume 1” It is also written in this document that in 1880 the church fell into disrepair. However, this information is not correct, the details will be described below.


In 1811 Belin is mentioned as the property of Hadkiewicz (The Earl of).

The earliest mention of this church is a list of Uniate ministers, and it is also worth noting that in 1832, it is listed as a chapel and is considered to be attached to the Osow church.

Hreczka Bazyli, Гречка Василеи, *1759. Of aristocratic origin. Apostolic pries; lives in Belin of Kobryn district. 28.04.1798. Mother Mariana, * 1737; Marianne, Marianne’s sister, * 1793; the wife of Praksed? (name) * 1774; daughters: Kristina, * 1793; Anna, * 1795; Marianna, * 1797.

Kuzminsky Yustin (Ustin), * 1800. Chaplain of the chapel in the village. Belin of Kobryn district. (attached to the church in the village of Vosauka, Kobryn district) 1832-1836;

In 1858 Belin belonged to Kalikst Orzeszko.

In 1863 in Belin the authorities created detachments (local self-defense guard) against the participants of the uprising. On 06.05.1863 near the village there was a battle between the detachment of Romuald Traugutta and tsarist detachments.

On the “Population map of Grodno province from Rittich’s atlas”, the church in “Belinsk” is marked as a tributary church.


Schubert’s 1866 - 1867 maps also showed the church on the map.


At the time of II Rzeczpospolitej (1918 - 1939) it is marked on maps as a functioning chapel. After World War II, the chapel fell into disrepair and was not preserved.

The approximate location of the chapel on today’s maps.

During the Great Patriotic War in February-March 1944 near the village fought partisan detachments named after Molotov (brigade commander M.I. Gerasimov).


References and information used in the material:

  • The priest in the Belarusian society: prosopography of the Union clergy 1596–1839. / Denis Liseychikov. – Minsk, 2015. – 719 p., [16] l. ill.
  • Cities and villages of Belarus, Brest region, book 1.