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David Staiman


David Barnard Steinman was an American bridge engineer.

According to one version, he was born on June 11, 1886 in Chomsk, Drohiczynski district, in a Jewish family. At the age of 4 years migrated to the United States with his family.

According to the second version David was born already in New York, when his family was already living in the United States.

The Steinmaen family lived in Chomsk, Drohiczynski uyezd, Grodno province and were Jews. Little is known about David’s early childhood, but there is mention that he had a large family of 6 siblings.

It is known from his bibliography that he graduated from Columbia College.

  • **1910 -1914 ** - Taught at the University of Idaho (Moscow, Idaho).
  • **1911 ** - Received a doctorate from the University of Idaho.
  • **1914 ** - Worked on the Ciotoville Bridge under Gustav Lindenthal.
  • 1917 - 1920- Professor of Civil Engineering; Later starts his own design firm with Holton D. Robinson.
  • 1920 - 1940. -Designed bridges in the U.S., Thailand, England, Italy, Haiti, Puerto Rico, Canada, Korea, Iraq.
  • 1931 - Designed the St. Johns Bridge in Portland, Oregon, and collaborated on work on the George-Washington Bridge.
  • 1948 - Began reconstruction of the Brooklyn Bridge.
  • 1953 - Received a bid for the Straits of Messina, spanning 1524 meters. Developed a new method of stereophotography.
  • August 21, 1960 David Steinmeyer died in New York.

During his lifetime he has been involved in the construction and reconstruction of over 26 bridges. Each project can be found in the 3 links below:

  1. Robinson & Steinman
  2. Steinman, Boynton, Gronquist & Birdsall
  3. Steinman, Boynton, Gronquist & London

It’s also worth noting that at the age of 63, David Steinman became interested in poetry. Many people wrote to him saying that his bridges represented poetry. This inspired him to start writing. His love of building bridges was reflected in his work, which can be seen in the titles of two of his poems: “The Bridge” and ‘I Built a Bridge’. He was greatly recognized for his poetry; many of his poems were published in various newspapers and magazines, as well as in the book I Built a Bridge and Other Poems, published in 1955. Steinman became a leader of many poetry groups, including the president of the [Wisconsin Poetry] Foundation ( and the director. The poetry institute in New York .

References and information used in the material:
