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Church in Drohiczyn

There is no exact date of construction of the church in Drohiczyn. Therefore, we will start from the oldest documents found on it.

Perhaps the earliest document mentioning the church in Drohiczyn is the mention in “In the list of Christian Catholic settlements in 1726 is mentioned Dorochyczyn Oppidum”.


Further, there are Uniate metric books in RGIA from 1760 to 1798.


Also worth noting are the Uniate metrics for 1823 at Marmon.


In 1827 the church burned down, only the icon was saved. The church was wooden and only the foundation remains.

There is also a list of the Uniate clergy of the church:

Poustański Kazimierz, priest of the church in the town of Dragichyn, Pinsk district. 03/07/1785; Dragichyn dean 03/07/1785.

Bogdanovich Frantsev, * 1779. Consecrated by Brest bishop I.-I. Bulgak 1803; priest of the church in the town of Dragichyn, Kobryn district. 1832 - 1836.

Vikenty Pavlovich, * 1809. Consecrated by Lutsk bishop K. Siratinsky 1831; vicars of the church in the city of Dragichyn, Kobryn district. 1832 - 25.02.1837.

In 1837, the Lithuanian Ecclesiastical Consistory issued an order “On the construction of a new parish church in the town of Drohiczyn”, as the Uniate convent of maidens was abolished and the stone one-story building of the convent was given to the Orthodox St. Sretensky Church. Because of the dilapidation of this building, the thinness of its walls, it was not suitable for rebuilding into an Orthodox church. However, services were held there, both before the Polotsk cathedral Uniate and afterwards Orthodox. This is confirmed by the preserved Orthodox metrics in the Grodno archive.


For almost 20 years the question of erecting a new church was solved. Only in 1858 the Kobrin district representative of the nobility submitted a petition to the Grodno provincial construction company and received permission “…to allow the priest Pavlovich to procure wood for the construction of the church for the sum of 775 rubles, which are in its possession”. Two plans were attached to this petition: one for the present state of the church, the other for its rebuilding. The Grodno provincial building commission was recommended to make estimates and drawings of the new church. On February 24, 1858 they were approved. On the drawing of the church there is an inscription of the head of the provincial office desk: “This drawing was accepted for construction when the estimate was checked, it was found satisfactory and corresponds to its purpose, in what the artificial desk certifies with due responsibility”. According to the 1892 inventory of the Lithuanian diocese, the Holy Presentation Church of Drohiczyn was found as follows: “the church building is wooden, on a stone foundation, in the form of an oblong quadrangle, built on parish funds in 1863”

The rectangular log house is covered with a gable roof. The main facade is adjoined by a three-tiered quatrefoil bell tower, finished with a hipped roof with an onion head. The main entrance is decorated with a porch with a gable roof on two pillars. The side facades are horizontally planked and rhythmically divided by lancet window openings and vertical tie bars. The interior is hall-like. At the entrance there are choirs on two pillars. There are icons of the 19th century in the church. The church is a monument of folk wooden architecture.

Also in the “Descriptions of churches and parishes. Grodno Orthodox Church Calendar. Volume 1”, there is a mention of the church in Drohiczyn.


The Marmons also have metric Orthodox books for the church for the years 1912-1914.


On Rittich’s 1864 maps, an Orthodox church is marked on the map in Drohiczyn.


Also on Schubert’s maps for 1866 - 1887, the church is also noted.


At the time of Second Republic of Poland for 1918 - 1938 the church was an active Orthodox church and was shown on the map. But it was marked as a church.


After the advent of communist rule, the church fell into decline. By the 1970s the church was in a poor state. This was the “inheritance” that Archpriest Peter Pinchuk received when he and his family moved to Drohiczyn.

How the church was transformed during the ministry of Archpriest Peter, can be verified by everyone who visits the church, goes to services. Father Peter contributed a lot of love and effort to its decoration and splendor, and this sincerely touches people’s hearts and disposes them to pray in this holy place. Archpriest Peter also began the construction of the baptistery, but he did not have time to complete this good deed. Unfortunately, in 2002 this pious man passed away. Fr. Peter died, having passed on to his children what he himself walked through life with - service to the Lord, humility and diligence in prayer … His son Archpriest John Pinchuk continued to serve God and people in St. Sretensky Church. His efforts completed the construction of a baptistery, opened a Sunday school, created a sisterhood, which has a lot of good deeds on its account, including assistance to the children’s social shelter and care for the elderly parishioners of the church. The church also has a library, the services of which can be used by everyone.

Today the church is functioning and in good condition.


References and information used in the material:

  • Photo, S. Plytkevich, 2018.
  • The priest in the Belarusian society: prosopography of the Union clergy 1596–1839. / Denis Liseychikov. – Minsk, 2015. – 719 p., [16] l. ill.