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Church in Jazwiny (Wincze)

Church of St. Spirit, built in 1750 by the landowner L. Orzeszko, about one and a half kilometers north of the village. The inhabitants of the surrounding villages call this place “Vinč/Vinci”. The shrine was built as a Uniate shrine. But in today’s materials walking around the internet it is called a church for some reason.

The Marmon website also has metrics of the church in Vinci, and they are Greek Catholic for 1823.


Also an important confirmation that it was originally a Uniate church and not a church is the record of a Uniate priest who served there:

Dyszkowski Stepan, * 1792. Ordained to the Braski episkap I.-I. Bulgakam 1813; saint of the tsar in. Vinča (no longer exists) of Kobryn pav. 1832-25.02.1837.

In “Descriptions of churches and parishes. Grodno Orthodox Church Calendar. Vol. 1”, there is a detailed description of the church, data for 1899.


The “Collection of Historical and Cultural Reminiscences. Bresk region” there is a description of the church and its rebuilding into an Orthodox church in about 1860.


There is also a sketch by Napoleon Orda, signed - “8 charveny 1861. Dzyady 1772.”


On the population maps of the Russian Empire for 1864, the map mentions the village of Vincha (Vinci) where the church, at that time already orthodox.


On the maps of 1866-1887 the church is also marked on the map. in Gospodarstvo Vinci. There is also the Vinci bog nearby and a cemetery on the right side, where apparently the inhabitants of the surrounding villages were buried.


From the Geographical Gazetteer of the Kingdom of Poland (late 19th century):

Wincze - Settlement (osada), Drohiczyn Commune, belongs to v. Pigasy. There is also a lord’s yard, property of the Jaroszewski, 80 dessiatinas (25–meadows and pastures, 8–forests, 9–not used).

During the Second Republic of Poland 1919-1939. The map shows the church in the village of Wincze.


Since 1945, the church has fallen into disrepair and is now in a deplorable state, in the middle of a field, between the remaining villages.


Photo 2013 year

References and information used in the material:

  • Photo © Kuzich Mikola
  • Svyatar in Belarusian society: a prasapagrafiya ўniyatskogo dukhavnosti 1596-1839 / Dzianis Liseychykau. - Minsk, 2015. - 719 p., [16] l. lil.