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Village Orlowicze and manor Horlowicze

Orlowicze as a folwark was first mentioned in 1628 and 1698.

In 1860 the village and the estate (Horlowicze) in Perkovitska and then Wolowiel volosts, Kobryn district, Grodno province. There were 129 “souls” in the village, they also belonged to the Horlowicze estate, which belonged to Felix Wyslouch (206 “souls”). During the uprising of 1863-64, the estate was used as an ammunition depot for the rebels. After the Orlovic family became the owners of the Rusecky family. On Schubert’s maps of 1870: gorlowicze shubert 1870

In 1905, Orlowicze had 20 inhabitants, the manor had 42 inhabitants, the settlement had 14 people. There was an elementary school.

From 1921 to 1939, it was a part of Wolowiel Commune, Drohiczyn County, Poleskie Voivodeship, Poland, village and folwark Horlowicze.

In 1921, the village had 14 courtyards, 92 inhabitants. The folwark had 2 courtyards and 17 inhabitants. On the WIG maps: WIGmaps

With the advent of Soviet power, From 04.12.1939 the village is located in Wolowiel volost, Drohichyn district, Pinsk region, BSSR. Orlowicze estate - 3 courtyards, 12 inhabitants. Orlowicze village - 38 courtyards, 170 inhabitants. From 12.10.1940 the village is listed in the Litowsk village council. The last owner of the estate was the Krajewski family, until 1939. On the maps of the Red Army: RKKAmaps

In the Great Patriotic War 5 inhabitants of the village died at the front. During the wartime a secondary school operated in the manor. After its demolition, the manor fell into disrepair, was dismantled and taken to the town of Drohiczyn (Drohiczyn Poleski). Only the old foundation remains of the building. Photo of the entrance to the manor: imiiewhod

The manor house was built probably under the Wyslouch. The building is rectangular in plan, wooden, mansard, on a high foundation, gable roof, tiled. On the first floor there was a living room, library, kitchen, parlor, bedroom, and on the first floor there was a bedroom for children.

There are also remnants of the old park. Today its territory is 5 hectares. In Soviet times there was an orchard in the middle of the park. The linden avenue in the direction of the planter is well preserved. The main trees are maples, lindens, chestnuts, oaks and others.

There is an approximate plan of the park: park plan

Also now it looks like this: parkorlowicze 2023

At the moment all the buildings are used as a farmyard of the collective farm. hozpostr2





Since 1954, Orlowicze has been registered in Brest region. In 1970 the village had 153 inhabitants, in 1995 - 63 yards, 154 inhabitants.

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