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Brest decisión, Szereszow deanery

From the information I have at the moment. I decided to build a map of the parishes of Dywin, Horodec, Janow (Iwanowo), Braszewicze, Bezdež for 1721.

The general picture on the map is as follows:


Approximately visible are the territories that were occupied by the paraafias. Now about each one in a little more detail.



The parafia’s membership includes:

  • Dywin
  • Nowosiolki
  • Bielsk
  • Mokrzany
  • Lachowce
  • Ofsa (not on the map, couldn’t find)



The parafia’s membership includes:

  • Horodec
  • Przyfzychofty (not on the map, couldn’t find)
  • Korfzunie
  • Holowczyce
  • Chomicze
  • Borodycze
  • Ziolow
  • Mazury
  • Wyfolk (not on the map, couldn’t find)
  • Hrufzewa
  • Chdulin
  • Mechwedowicze (not on the map, couldn’t find)
  • Lipowa
  • Hrudec (not on the map, couldn’t find)
  • Kamien Szlachecki (now the village of “Oktyabr”)
  • Wolotynice (not on the map, couldn’t find)
  • Kuslowicze (not on the map, couldn’t find)



The parafia’s membership includes:

  • Braszewicze
  • Bolkuny (not on the map, couldn’t find)
  • Derewnia
  • Dorochyczyn
  • Olowce (not on the map, couldn’t find)
  • Papina
  • Lachowice
  • Suliczow (not on the map, couldn’t find)
  • Walawel
  • Pijanowicze
  • Piorkowicze
  • Litewfkie
  • Orlowicze (not on the map, couldn’t find)
  • Szymanowfzczyzna
  • Oftrowki
  • Socha (not on the map, couldn’t find)
  • Torokanie
  • Dziatkowicze



The parafia’s membership includes:

  • Bezdziez
  • Zawierfze
  • Biala (not on the map, couldn’t find)
  • Mikielce (not on the map, couldn’t find)
  • Wawuliga
  • Ciemno (not on the map, couldn’t find)
  • Zaloga (not on the map, couldn’t find)
  • Socha
  • Chomsk
  • Opole
  • Oftrowki
  • Offow, Ossow (not on the map, couldn’t find)

Janow (now Iwanowo):


The parafia’s membership includes:

  • Janow
  • Klonki
  • Zamofza (not on the map, couldn’t find)
  • Suche
  • Strzelne
  • Lafkowicze
  • Nowofzyce
  • Nowice (not on the map, couldn’t find)
  • Konopol
  • Huta
  • Helina (not on the map, couldn’t find)
  • Ruck
  • Kulaki
  • Kretelczyn
  • Kuzeliczyn (not on the map, couldn’t find)
  • Naukla
  • Kality (not on the map, couldn’t find)
  • Mogilna

I’m leaving a link to google maps, it will be updated and new information added over time, click here.