Church in Wawulicze
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At the moment there is no exact information whether the church was built during the Uniate period or as an Orthodox church. The first official mention of the church in Wawulicze can be dated back to 1631. At that time, a Uniate priest who served in Wawulicze is mentioned.
Hrynkowski Lauren, Hrynkowski Ławrenty, priest of the church in the village. Wawulicze, Pinsk district. 18.09.1631 [152, p. 247-249].
Fałdisty Jan, ordained by the Pinsk-Turaw bishop G. Daszkowicz-Gorbatcki on 10/23/1777; established on 16.07.1784; priest of the church in Wawulicze Pinsky (after Kobrynsky) district. [16.07.1784-1800]. [138, sheet. 6-9].
Faldzisty Gavril, son of Jan, Faldzisty Gavril, priest of the church in the village of Wawulicze, Kobryn district. 1832. [575, sheet. 68].
Piotr Hlovaczewski, *1809. “From Zytomyr province”; ordained by the Lithuanian bishop I. Siamaška in 1833; priest of the church in Wawulicze, Kobryn district. 1836 - 25.02.1837. [576, sheet. 71 adv.; 695].
In the list of Christian Catholic settlements of 1726, Wawulicze (Wawuliga) is mentioned. Parish of Bezdzeż, this confirms that at that time there was already a functioning church there.
Also, the archive of the RGIA contains preserved Uniat church records from 1735 to 1798.
The current church was built in 1737 of wood as a Uniate church, which is confirmed by the Grodno Orthodox Church Calendar of 1899. Unfortunately, there is no information about what happened to the old church and whether a new one was built in its place.
It is also mentioned that the church was rebuilt according to one source sometime after 1845:
According to others in 1875:
In 1878 it was thoroughly repaired and acquired its present form: rectangular in shape with a pentagonal altar apse, gable roof and onion dome. Near the church there is a two-story wooden building, which combines a boiler house, a bell tower and a parish library.
On Schubert’s maps of 1866-1887, the church is shown on the maps.
There is also a parish in Wawulicze on the 1864 population map of the Russian Empire.
In 1885 a ministerial public school was opened at the church, where peasant children of both sexes were educated. In 1911 the peasants who returned from America donated 435 rubles to the church for the painting of the altar and iconostasis, which was done by the artist M. Birev.
During the II Rzeczpospolita the church was active, it was also marked on Polish maps of 1919 - 1938.
On the church grounds is the grave of priest Nikolai Balicki (1874-1946), who participated in World War I as a priest of a military hospital. Other priests who served in the Vavulich church for a long time include Joseph Michalewicz (1845-1888), John Szemetilo (1890-1901), Martin Skopiec (1950-1989) and Michael Sazanowicz (1990-2005).
The church is currently active and in good condition.
Photo 2016
Links and information used in the material:
- The priest in the Belarusian society: prosopography of the Union clergy 1596–1839. / Denis Liseychikov. – Minsk, 2015. – 719 p., [16] l. ill.
- Photo © Valery NIKIFOROV
- Collection of monuments of history and culture. Brest region