Church in Worocewicze
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There is no exact date of construction of the church in Worocewicze at the moment. Therefore, we will start from the dates known to us.
The earliest mention of the church can be considered the metric Uniate metrics for 1757 - 1801. Which are in the RGIA.
Also on the Marmons website, you can find metric Uniate records for our church from 1798-1834 as well.
There is also information about clergymen who served in Worocewicze and who were born there, but worked in other areas.
- Akaronka Grzegorz, * 1783. Vikary church v. Staszany of Pinsk district 1799 (formerly); lived in v. Worocewicze, Kobryn district 1799. Wife of Audea, * 1772; daughter Pelageya, * 1795.
- Karolewicz Vasily, * 1729. Priest of the church in the village. Staszeny of Pinsk district. 1799 (former); Lives in Worocewicze, Kobryn district. “in order to feed” 1799; widower 1799.
- Liacewicz Roman (Romuald), son of Alisey. Vicars of the church in Worocewicze, Kobryn district. 1836 - 25.02.1837;
- Pawel Rozdzialowski, * 1776. From the Minsk province. Administrator 1832 and priest 1836 - 25.02.1837 of the church in Worocewicze, Kobryn district.
After the Council of Polotsk in 1839, the church was handed over to the Orthodox.
It is not known what became of the church, but in 1842 a new wooden church was built. It was designed by senior civil engineer Yanovsky in 1842 to replace the old church. The contractors were residents of Chernigov province I. C. Sergeev and his son Kuzma. This wooden church stood until about 1880.
The church was marked on the maps of Rittich and Schubert as active.
1864, Rittich maps
1866 - 1887, Schubert maps
The new church was built in 1869-1872 (1874) from brick. It was consecrated in 1872. The choice of the site for construction and its plan in 1868 was made by engineer-architect M. E. Czakmasow and private surveyor Tarasewicz. Its consecration took place on October 26, 1872 by His Grace Vladimir Bishop of Bialystok. The parish was assigned land (70 dessiatinas) in the tracts “Rosachatec”, “Struga”, “Hlinki”, “Zajaszchere”, hayfields near Guta and forest in the Klimentinowo tracts. One of the first priests who conducted divine service was Roman Leczewich. The estimate for the erection of the church was made by the architect N. N. Bartaszewski. When clearing the site, the inn was demolished. For the temple was used “normal project No. 2” for a church for 300 people.
After the revolution, at the time of II Rzeczpospolitej, the church was active and was marked on maps.
After World War II, the church was closed, and more precisely in 1962 the church was closed. After a long petition of the believers, the church was reopened in 1983.
At present, the church is active and in good condition.
References and information used in the material:
- Svyatar in Belarusian society: a prasapagrafiya uniyatskogo dukhavnosti 1596-1839 / Dzianis Liseychykau. - Minsk, 2015. - 719 p., [16] l. lil.