Ziolowo Church
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When and by whom the church in Ziolowo was built is not mentioned at the moment. But according to the found documents it can be traced that the first mention is related to Catholicism.
In the list of Christian Catholic settlements of 1726 Ziolowo is mentioned. It is likely that it was already a Uniate church at that time.
Constitutiones Synodales Diaecesis Luceoriensis & Brestensis ab Illustrissimo Excellentissimo & Reverendissimo Domino”, D. Stefano Boguslao a Rupniew in Januszowice Rupniewski; Anno Domini 1726.
There are preserved metrivi from 1769 to 1801:
Further records of the Ziolowo church as Uniate are mentioned:
Michalewicz Fiados, Michal Theodosius, saint of the tsar’s church in the v. Ziolowo Kobrynskogo paveta 1832. [575, арк. 61].
Jancewicz Michal son of Martin, Jancewicz Michal Martinov son, *1808. Highlighted by the Brescian episcopal suffragan L.-L. Jaworowski 09.12.1832; saint of the tsar’s church in. Ziolowo Kobrynsk council 1836-25.02.1837; examiner of the Yanausk deanate 1836. [576, арк. 66 адв.-67; 695].
You can also find the “Inventory of the parish of the population of Ziolowo” for 1824 on the Marmon site. Here is a link to the document, page 623.
Further in Zelovo there is mentioned a wooden Holy Trinity Orthodox church in 1842. At the moment it is not known whether it was built on the site of the Uniate church and what became of it. It was built at the expense of Colonel Vasily Danilovich Mandrykin. Who was buried on the territory of the church. Fifteen steps away from him erected a bell tower, through which led the road to the church. The church was built in the form of a cross. Fifteen steps away from the central entrance they erected a two-tiered bell tower with an inner passage. The parishioner, before entering the shrine, had to pass through this passage.
In the book “Descriptions of churches and parishes. Grodno Orthodox Church Calendar. Volume 1” there is a mention of the church, approximate year of record 1867:
During the Second Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (Polish: Rzeczpospolita Polska, II Rzeczpospolita) 1918 - 1939. On maps it is marked as a church.
During the communist persecution the church was closed, and it was returned to the believers only in 1990.
Ziolowo church until 2005. Photo from 1979.
On June 20, 2005 the Ziolowo church burned down. According to media reports, the firemen explained the phenomenon as follows: “A banal violation of fire safety rules in the use of electrical appliances. After the service they wanted to wash candlesticks, heated water on the electric stove, and forgot to turn it off. And the fact that it burned quickly, so it was wooden, in addition to the holiday just painted. That’s why the fire was good.
The preserved bell tower
The remains of the church after the fire
The surviving central part of the temple
The new church of the Holy Life-Giving Trinity was under construction since August 2005, and in early June 2012 it was consecrated.
References and information used in the material:
- 1. Svyatar in Belarusian society: a prasapagraphy of the Belarusian Spiritualism 1596-1839 / Dzianis Liseychykau. - Minsk, 2015. - 719 p., [16] l. fol.
- 2. Kulagin “Orthodox Churches in Belarus” (2001)
- 3. Andrei Dybovsky, photo April 2017.
- 4. Т. Fedorova, photo May 2013.
- 5. Mordaun Yuri photo June 22, 2005, https://radzima.org/ru/object_comm/476.html.