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Tag: Drohiczyn

Entin Szlomo

Entin Shlomo was born in 1915 in Drohiczyn. He was a Zionist activist and participant in the resistance movement. Because of the moving war front of World War 2, his family moved to Yekaterinoslav (now Dnepropetrovsk). In 1922, the Entin family moved to Pinsk, where Shloma’s father had a haberdashery store. Shlomo graduated from the Tarbut school and joined the Zionist movement. During the Holocaust, he was in Vilnius. He belonged to those who first thought of armed resistance to the Nazis.

General Jewish Labour Bund

BUND (General Jewish Workers Union in Lithuania, Poland and Russia) (Yiddish בונד Bund - “union”, the full name is אַלגעמיינער ייִדישער אַרבעטערסבונד אין ליטע, פּוילן און רוסלאַנד (Algemeiner Jiddischer Arbeter Bund in Lite, Poiln un Russland) was a Jewish socialist party active in Eastern Europe from the 1990s to the 1940s. The Bund considered itself the sole representative of the interests of the Jewish working class, which was quite numerous in these lands.