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Church in Lipniki

The oldest mention of the church in Lipniki can be considered to be 1762. In that year the church was destroyed, unfortunately it is not known why. Only the old icons were saved, which are now in the newly built church. In the following years, most likely, the church was rebuilt (or there was an annex) where services were held. Since the next document about the active church in our area is the Uniate metrics from 1770 to 1801, which are in RGIA.

Church in Losince

The Church of the Assumption was built in the cemetery on the outskirts of the village of Losince in 1862 and was attached to the Torokan parish church. The consecration of the church on June 2, 1870 in the service of four priests was performed by the Antopolskiy district priest Foma Ballandowicz. At the end of the XIX century in the church there was a locally venerated icon of the Virgin Mary 0.

Church in Nowa Popina (Popina)

In “Inventory of Documents of the Vilnius Central Archive of Ancient Act Books. Issue X.”, March 1, 1580. One can see a record of the sale of Popina by Wojna Vasiliewicz Linewski and part of the lands of his brother Michal Wasil Linewski. The buyer is Bogdan Jackowicz Czernewski. The document mentions a functioning Orthodox church in Popina. From the entry in “Acts published by the Vilna Archaeological Commission.